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NFL Alumni to Spearhead All-Important Obesity Awareness & Education Effort


NEW PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN LAUNCHES MONDAY, OCTOBER 12th NFL Alumni to Spearhead All-Important Obesity Awareness & Education Effort


WHAT:  A campaign dedicated to broadening awareness of obesity as a disease and providing educational information and options toward a healthier outcome for people living with obesity.  

WHY:  Obesity is a disease impacting almost 40% of the U.S. population. That is a staggering figure! Many NFL Alums are now opening up to talk about personal experiences with weight management and offering a positive message of encouragement that there is a path toward a healthier, long-term outcome.

WHO: The campaign is designed to reach persons living with obesity, the general public, and football fans everywhere.

WHEN: The “Huddle Up: Let’s Talk Obesity” campaign is set to begin Monday, October 12th

WHERE: Full press release announcement with details from NFL Alumni Association headquarters to select members of the media and sports communities across the country.

VIDEO / FEATURING NFL LEGENDS: A 3-minute obesity awareness video will be available on the 12th featuring many NFL Alums including Ottis Anderson, Rocky Bleier, Franco Harris, Jon Runyan, Rod Woodson, and Steve Young … among others.

PSA’S: As a public service, the NFLA is depending on much-needed support from YOU, respective members of the media, to help promote this important health message to your constituents. There will be :60 and :30 PSA spots… along with :15 social media video-clips.

WEBSITE: A dedicated website will be available on the 12th as a resource for obesity-related articles, shared personal stories, available options to consider… and even how to find a local healthcare specialist to help in monitoring and planning customized weight management goals.

FOLLOW-UP STORY: Be on the lookout for a formal launch press release on Monday, Oct. 12th, and please feel free to contact the NFLA to receive videos and other materials you may find useful.

Dominic Gaspari
(973) 241-5144
NFL Alumni Director of Membership Engagement